A platform for people from all over the world, who love Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytales and work with education through playful art, creative culture and innovative ideas.
We work out of Denmark, the country of Hans Christian Andersen
We sell the new educational book: "The trick of Hans Christian Andersen"
We create "The flying suitcase" after your choice full of educational ideas
We facilitate creative courses and visits in Denmark from all over the world

In schools

In universities

For teachers

For parents & grandparents

For parents & children
In modern society, we are all pressed into a linear development curve….. but in Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytales, life develops in jumps
By saying to himself every time he stumbled, was thrown out, humiliated, kicked, tricked, laughed at: Gogogo! Keep on trying, keep on living, keep on loving!
Andersen writes in ”The Butterfly”: To live is not enough! One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower!
Looking particularly for his creative trick is like opening a new door and fitting his fairytales for super modern creative educational purposses – both for children and adults
For the special Teach & Learn with Hans Christian Andersen concerts in schools, libraries and concert halls, we have the honor to present:

Hans Christian Andersen activity songs, educationally songs, social songs, thinking songs with extraordinary high level guitaraccompagnement by Jorge Degas.
Book a concert here.
Tommelisesangen (Dansk)
Den lille havfrue (Dansk)
Den grimme ælling (Dansk)
Havfruen (Dansk)
The Mermaid (English)
The Ugly Duckling (English)
The Little Mermaid (English)
The Emperor´s New Clothes (English)
Kejserens nye klæder (Dansk)
Princess and The Pea (English)
Princess and The Pea (English)
Prinsessen på ærten (Dansk)
The Ugly Duckling (Danish)
The Little Mermaid (Danish)
The Emperor's New Clothes (english)
The Princess And The Pea (English)
The flying suitcase is for all generations together, cultures and creative minds. It is designed and equipped after Danish values, inspired by methods in Danish schools and kindergartens. All activities are descriped and explained, but can also be used freely creative, all materials are closely related to the Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytales, but can also inspire new plays and innovative combinations.
"I am a clever man!" "But he is naked, yes he is naked..." from The Emperors New Clothes song
Velkommen til H. C. Andersens Bedstemor
et learning lab i dejlige omgivelser på Adelgade 13 Bogense.
Åbningstider: tors-fre-lør-søn 13-17
Her kan den nye bog: “H. C. Andersens TRICK” også købes fra 1.september.
Køb bogen her
Følg os på Facebook, H. C. Andersens Bedstemor

Meet our teachers

Benedicte Riis

William Yip

Mikkel Sonne Friis

Birgitte Pliniussen

Lene Larsen

Mette Sonne Friis

Pernille Brinch

Stenia og Jorge Degas
Meet our collaboraters
Nordfyns Højskole v. Mogens Godballe
H.C.Andersen International Kindergarten Collage AIKC v. Dong Ruixiang
Mutter & Mus v. Lisa Van
Learn For Life v. Lisa Johansen
Havnevej 3C – 2670 Greve
Phone: +45 5020 6686
CET/GMT+2 hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 – 16:00
Nyttig information
Salgs- og leveringsbetingelser
CVR NR 16141070
Hvidtjørnen 40 – 9721 Dragør
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Teach & learn with Hans Christian Andersen
Design by Grafisk Raadgivning